Moving on from Workplace from Meta? Discover how Actimo is the perfect alternative which gives you so much more
Drag & drop is here with even more options!
Select your messages, move them from one parent folder to a subfolder, and from a subfolder to a parent folder in a super-easy way.
Check out new capabilities in your Actimo editor!
Ensure your employees don’t miss out on what’s happening.
You can now have the most important posts stay at the top of their social wall!
Find out more on our Helpdesk.
Content is king and we want to empower you to create awesome content for your employees!
To do so, we’ve enhanced our text module with new features.
Find out more in this Helpdesk article.
What’s more powerful than one image?
Several high-quality images!
You will soon be able to upload multiple images in one module for a carousel-like view and even better storytelling on your employee app!
Publishing a message is about to get very sweet with our new publish page feature.
We’re currently working on improving the flow to enable you to connect with your employees even faster.
Make employee engagement content extra awesome with expert help for your communication and learning design needs.
Create the ultimate employee experience on Actimo effortlessly with premium services led by our Customer Success team.
Discover common issues in communication channels and content, and how to improve employee comms to reach every worker.
Learn how Sabis is uniting and developing their workforce to achieve their mission of becoming the best in food and service.
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Vesterbrogade 1 L, 7.
1620 Copenhagen V
+45 38 41 47 00
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Casa les Punxes
Avinguda Diagonal, 420,
08037 Barcelona
+45 38 41 47 00
ROI of Employee Engagement - The Executive Study
Grab our free onboarding template and start building a cohesive onboarding flow!